5 oriri a ma ama nke anyị ji obi ike na uru ya mee ihe efu

Some products are too exaggerated, sometimes to the nutrients assimilated, special conditions that are not always easy to achieve.

These well-known foods will surprise you with their overpriced utility. But not necessarily to abandon them. They won’t bring harm. Just know that to rely on their help – not worth it.


We tend to think that “onion – a cure from seven diseases” – a natural antibiotic and cough remedy. However, onion collects out of the land of many harmful substances heavy on the stomach and has an irritating effect on the digestive system. Besides, the nutritional value of onions is not so high. Of course, a bit of fresh onion in a salad – a great solution, but to lay great hopes on it in terms of health is not worth it.


Another antiviral and antimicrobial agent, however, to be effective, should be used constantly. Not everybody can digest the garlic without pain and discomfort in the stomach, especially in need when illness quantity. As flavorful seasoning and prophylactic, please.


Raspberries are considered an excellent source of vitamin C and lots of antioxidants, protecting our body from harm. First, it applies only to fresh products. After freezing or cooking, raspberry loses many of its beneficial properties. To saturate the body with vitamins, you need to eat many berries, but in large quantities, it can cause allergies or increased acidity of the stomach.


Christmas joy and a favorite treat of many, tangerines, alas, useless product. Despite the content of vitamins, they are poorly absorbed by the body. Unlike oranges and grapefruits, the tangerines are low-calorie, so that their energy won’t make you happy.


As a source of vitamin C and antioxidants, Cranberry could be useful to us if we could eat this berry in the required quantity. Sour-bitter cranberry irritates the stomach and intestines’ delicate lining and damages the enamel of the teeth and hard on the liver.

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