Squirrel monkey (Hygrophorus leucophaeus)

  • Nkeji: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Nkebi: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Klas: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Klas: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricles (Agaric ma ọ bụ Lamellar)
  • Ezinụlọ: Hygrophoraceae (Hygrophoraceae)
  • Ụdị: Hygrophorus
  • ụdị: Hygrophorus leucophaeus (Canada)
  • Hygrophore of Lindtner
  • Hygrophorus ash gray
  • Hygrophorus lindtneri

Hygrophorus beech (Hygrophorus leucophaeus) foto na nkọwa

Nkọwapụta Mpụga

Elastic, thin, not very fleshy hat, first convex, then prostrate, sometimes slightly concave with a developed tubercle. Smooth skin, slightly sticky in wet weather. Fragile, very thin cylindrical leg, slightly thickened at the base, covered with powdery coating at the top. Thin, narrow and sparse plates, slightly descending. Dense, tender white-pink flesh, with a pleasant taste and odorless. The color of the cap varies from white to pale pink, turning to rusty brown or dark ocher in the center. The leg is light red or white-pink. Pinkish or white plates.

Nri oriri

Edible, not popular due to the small amount of pulp and small size.

Ebe obibi

It occurs in deciduous forests, mainly in beech. In mountainous and hilly areas.


Mgbụsị akwụkwọ.

Ụdị ndị yiri ya

It differs from other hygrophores only in the dark color of the center of the cap.

Nkume a-aza