Ọ bụ ya na-awakpokarị ụmụ nwanyị. Kedu ihe ị ga-ezere iji belata ihe ize ndụ nke ọrịa ara ara?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Although it is still the domain of women over 50, it has also appeared in an avalanche in younger people in recent years. Gene mutations, age, hormonal contraception or late motherhood. There are many risk factors that can contribute to the appearance of the disease. But did you know that your diet also matters? See what you can do yourself so as not to increase the risk of yourself.

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1/ 11 Nyocha ara

2/ 11 The statistics are alarming

According to a 2014 report, created under the patronage of the Polish Society for Breast Cancer Research, in 2012, breast cancer was ranked second among all newly diagnosed oncological cases in the world – it accounts for almost 2% of cases. Unfortunately, also in Poland it is almost 12% of all diagnoses. And although it is one of the best-studied cancers – we already know a lot about it and its treatment gives us many opportunities, over the last 23 years the incidence of it has been constantly increasing. It affects not only women aged 30-50, but it is diagnosed more and more often in younger people. According to data from the National Cancer Registry, the incidence of breast cancer has doubled among women aged 69-20. Every year, it is diagnosed in as many as 49 patients, and it is forecast that in the next few years, each year, this disease will affect even more than 18 women.

3/ 11 Mortality continues to increase

Breast cancer is a disease that, unfortunately, is too often fatal in Poland. It is insidious and develops asymptomatically at first, therefore many cases are diagnosed only at an advanced stage. It is estimated that it is in the third place in terms of mortality among all cancers affecting Poles. At the same time, as shown by the data from 3, breast cancer accounts for 2013% of deaths among women, taking the place right after lung cancer. It has a personal dimension in particular. As emphasized by the authors of the report, under the patronage of the Polish Society for Breast Cancer Research, the inability to work of a woman suffering from breast cancer generates, above all, the so-called intangible costs – “limits or withdraws completely from social and professional life; for this reason, breast cancer also becomes a disease of entire families and the immediate environment of patients. “

4/ 11 Diet matters

Although the most important thing in the treatment of breast cancer is prevention, incl. regular tests that will allow for a quick start of therapy, it turns out that what we eat may also affect the risk of developing this cancer in women. Scientists estimate that we can change as many as 9 out of 100 cancer cases (9%) by just changing the way we eat. While research into diet and breast cancer risk is inconclusive, there is evidence to suggest that certain foods may increase women’s incidence of certain types of breast cancer. Check exactly what you should avoid the most when you want to better protect yourself from this tricky disease.

5/ 11 Fat

Although fat is an essential part of our body, it has been shown that the type of fat can play a huge role in increasing the risk of developing breast cancer. This is suggested by, among others European scientists who evaluated the menus of 11 women aged 337-20 years from 70 countries over a period of more than 10 years. They found that those who ate the most saturated fat (48g / day) were 28% more likely to develop breast cancer than those who ate less (15g / day). Scientists in Milan add that high consumption of total and saturated fats, especially those derived from highly processed foods, may be associated with an increased risk of certain types of breast cancer, including those hormone-dependent, i.e. responsive to the level of estrogen or progesterone in the body. While a safe amount of saturated fat has yet to be established, oncologists including from the Rutgers Cancer Institute in New Jersey recommends that you limit unhealthy sources such as fast food, sweets, fried foods and salty snacks in your daily diet.

6/ 11 Sugar

Although there is no conclusive evidence of a direct effect of sugar on the development of breast cancer, some studies suggest that it indirectly affects the risk of cancer. A team of scientists from the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, published a study on mice that consumed a diet with parameters comparable to a typical “Western” menu, rich in, inter alia, in refined carbohydrates. It turned out that the high content of sucrose and fructose caused over 50% of mice to develop breast cancer. Importantly, the more mice ate their mice, the more frequently they metastasized by further observations of the sick animals. But it is not everything. An Italian study, this time on humans, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, proved a link between high consumption of foods with a high glycemic index and breast cancer. The “wallpaper” includes not only sweet pastries, but also pasta and white rice. It has been shown that the faster a food raises blood glucose levels and causes a large burst of insulin after a meal, the higher the risk of developing estrogen-dependent cancer is. Remember, the sugar you add to your menu during the day, including the sugar that comes from sweets, honey or ready-made drinks, should not constitute more than 5% of the energy you get from eating and drinking during the day. As recommended by The American Heart Association, most women should not exceed 20g of sugar a day (about 6 teaspoons), including the amounts contained, for example, in highly processed foods.

7/ 11 Artificial sweeteners

Many scientists suggest that not only sugar, but its artificial substitutes, may indirectly contribute to the development of many diseases. Research at Washington University School of Medicine has shown that one of the sweeteners, sucralose, can cause large insulin surges into the blood, and with excessive consumption, it can significantly increase its value. And this, according to, inter alia, researchers at the Imperial College London School of Public Health in England, may have an impact on the risk of developing breast cancer. After a study of 3300 women, it was found that those who had metabolic disorders related to the body’s abnormal response to insulin or the inability to produce it were at a higher risk of cancer than those without these disturbances. One of the larger studies of postmenopausal women (WHI) also confirms that the group of people who had the highest insulin levels was almost 50% more likely to develop breast cancer than those who had the lowest insulin levels. While artificial sweeteners do not directly contribute to the development of breast cancer, their consumption should not be overdone, and it is worth checking the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for each “sweet compound” before adding them to your daily menu.

8/ 11 Grilled meat

While tasty, it turns out that consuming it frequently may contribute to an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Grilling animal proteins at high temperatures may increase the development of heterocyclic amines (HCA), which have been proven to be compounds that can cause breast cancer. According to research published by the Cancer Project, the worst offenders turn out to be not only grilled chicken, pork, beef or salmon, but all types of meat fried and baked at high temperature. The reviews confirm that the HCA content, although different depending on the method of preparing a given dish, always increases with increasing temperature of frying or grilling. One of the studies noted, inter alia, Almost five times higher risk of developing breast cancer in women who eat meat that is heavily cooked compared to those who prefer medium or low-fried meat. The risk also increased when this type of food was eaten daily. The American Cancer Research Institute also adds that curing meat also increases the content of carcinogenic substances, so this culinary technique should be avoided.

9/11 Mmanya

It is a proven risk factor for the development of breast cancer, the risk of which increases with the amount consumed. Research consistently shows that drinking beer, wine and liqueur increases the likelihood of developing these types of cancer that depend on hormones. Alcohol can increase e.g. estrogen levels that are associated with breast cancer induction. At the same time, scientists point out that alcohol can additionally damage DNA in cells and thus affect the appearance of the disease. Compared to non-drinkers, women who drink alcohol occasionally have a small increase in their risk of developing cancer. However, it is enough for them to increase their alcohol intake to 2-3 drinks a day to be 20% more likely to develop breast cancer. Experts estimate that each consecutive dose of an alcoholic beverage may increase the risk of illness by another 10%. At the same time, remember that a 2009 study shows that drinking 3-4 drinks a week increases the risk of breast cancer recurrence in women diagnosed with breast cancer, even in the early stages. The American Cancer Society therefore recommends women not to exceed the dose of one serving of alcohol a day, which is 350 ml of beer, 150 ml of wine or 45 ml of stronger alcohol.

10/ 11 Canned food

Not only alcohol has been closed in the forest, but also vegetables, fruit, cheese, meat and nuts. Already products from 5 such packages are able to increase the level of bisphenol A (BPA) in the body by 1000-1200% – a substance that in your body can, among others, to mimic estradiol. Although the use of BPA is allowed in the European Union and has a reputation for being a safe chemical, many scientists warn against over-consumption. Under the scrutiny of scientists, among others female hormonal balance, disorders of which may induce the formation of cancer cells. Higher serum BPA concentrations are associated not only with polycystic ovary syndrome or endometriosis, but as shown in a 2012 study at the University of Calabria in Italy, this substance may become a factor stimulating the production of a protein responsible for the development of breast cancer. Researchers therefore advise to use this type of food in moderation and to limit the consumption of canned foods in favor of fresh products.

11/ 11 Oke ibu na oke ibu

Although they can be influenced by various factors, they are almost always diet-related. Remember that having a lot of body fat can increase your risk of developing breast cancer, including by increasing the level of estrogen or higher insulin values ​​in the blood. Researchers suggest that about 5 in 100 cases of cancer (5%) can be avoided by maintaining a healthy body weight. If we add physical activity to this, the chances of getting sick are even lower. One study found that even a 1-hour walk each day can help reduce the risk of breast cancer. French scientists also emphasize that even after the detection and treatment of cancer, exercise can also help, reducing the risk of recurrence of the disease. The recommended amount of sport for better cancer prevention is about 4-5 hours a week. All you need is moderate-intensity activity, such as faster walking or cycling.

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