Kedu otu esi egbochi turista?

Kedu otu esi egbochi turista?

• Given that 98% of travelers who declare a turista did not respect the precautionary rules concerning water, that 71% ate raw vegetables or salads and that 53% put ice cubes in their drink, the most important advice is good follow all precautions without neglecting any!

• To limit the risk of contamination, it is recommended to follow the rule for solid or liquid food: ” boil it, cook it, peel it or forget it “. On the other hand, one should only drink bottled water that has been opened in front of one’s eyes (or another beverage that is bottled and uncapped in front of one’s eyes). If there is none (bush), we can fall back on boiled water for at least 15 minutes (tea, coffee). Likewise, we must consume hot dishes (so no raw vegetables or cold dishes).

• Anything raw should be avoided: unpasteurized dairy products and butters, as well as minced meats, sauces such as mayonnaise (made from uncooked egg), shellfish, seafood and raw fish. are strongly discouraged.

• Ice cubes, ice cream and reconstituted milk from powder should not be used because it is impossible to know which water was used. For the same reasons, whether you eat in a large restaurant or in a typical modest bar, specialists in tropical diseases advise avoiding cold dishes, especially if they are served on crushed ice.

• If you want fruit, you should eat only those bought individually: indeed, some unscrupulous sellers inject water (the origin of which is not known) into their fruit sold by weight in order to to make them heavier. You must then peel them yourself, after washing and soaping your hands.

• To wash your teeth, you must use tap water previously purified by tablets sold in pharmacies or in certain sports stores (such as Hydrochlonazone, Micropur, Aquatabs, etc.) or resort to water purification systems. ‘water (Katadyn type purifier, etc.). Finally, you must avoid swallowing water during the shower.


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